Righteousness and Repentance

“I tell you that there will be in heaven over more rejoicing one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”
– Luke 15:7

It is clear from the two parables that Jesus uses in Luke – the lost sheep and the lost coin – that he values repentance over righteousness. That may seem strange to us, since the New Testament exhorts us again and again to live godly and righteous lives. Yes, as followers of Christ we are to strive to live daily in a manner as free from sin and darkness as possible. In this process of sanctification, we need daily help from the Holy Spirit, who helps us recognize our sin, convicts us of it, and gives us the power to turn aside from its alluring temptation.

But Jesus values repentance even more highly, since it is through repentance that we can meet Him and he can return us to a close relationship with Him. We are the lost sheep; we are the lost coin. We wander away from time to time. We get lost in dark corners. We cannot find our way back. So, in His great love, He comes to find us. In His mercy, He forgoes punishment and leads us back to the light, to the security of the sheepfold, and to the place of usefulness.

It is when we acknowledge that we have gone astray that Jesus comes to our rescue. It is then that we rediscover His mercy and love. We are like foolish sheep when we deny that we need His saving. We will remain lost when we fail to be honest about the state of our soul or about our dangerous circumstances. Sometimes He allows us to wander off until we are in danger. He waits for us to call out desperately to Him before He reaches out to save us. He is always there. His love is constant, as He waits for us to express our need.

Prayer: Lord, help me to confess my sin and lead me in repentance back to you. Amen

In His Peace,
Pastor Schultz

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