What does it mean to invoke the name of God? Perhaps Luther’s explanation of the second commandment can give us some insight, “We should fear and love God so that we do not curse, swear, use satanic arts, lie, or deceive by His name, but call upon it in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks.” The name of God, the name above all names, isn’t meant to be used in nefarious ways or in some flippant manner. Instead, it is to be used in a reverent and holy manner befitting of who God is. Of course, I am sure you know this. But how often do we really consider the Lord’s name and greatness that it bears? For to call on the Lord’s name is to call upon the Lord Himself. Names do not exist in a vacuum but are attached to someone. Typically, when you call someone’s name, they give you their attention. It is no different for the Lord.
That is why we start our service with the Invocation. We call upon the name of the Lord so that He comes to us and blesses us. We do not call upon God to simply be a spectator to what is happening Sunday morning but instead to be the one acting for us, forgiving our sins, teaching us His word, and strengthening us with His grace. The Lord promises us that when we call, He will answer. Praise be to God that He does! Brothers and sisters, we need not fear the presence of God because of His Son Jesus. Jesus has brought us from sinner to saint so that the Father make look upon us and bless us according to His grace. So, when we call upon the Lord, we are not visited by a wrathful judge but a wise and loving father. One who continues to uphold us to this day. So next time you hear the invocation know the Lord is with you and has come to bring blessings untold.