Stand Firm
Holy Words and Sacred Spaces
In the Name of God
What does it mean to invoke the name of God? Perhaps Luther’s explanation of the second commandment can give us some insight, “We should fear and love God so that we do not curse, swear, use satanic arts, lie, or deceive by His name, but call upon it in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks.” The name of God, the name above all names, isn’t meant to be used in nefarious ways or in some flippant manner. Instead, it is to be used in a reverent and holy manner befitting of who God is. Of course, I am sure you know this. But how often do we really consider the Lord’s name and greatness that it bears? For to call on the Lord’s name is to call upon the Lord Himself. Names do not exist in a vacuum but are attached to someone. Typically, when you call someone’s name, they give you their attention. It is no different for the Lord.
That is why we start our service with the Invocation. We call upon the name of the Lord so that He comes to us and blesses us. We do not call upon God to simply be a spectator to what is happening Sunday morning but instead to be the one acting for us, forgiving our sins, teaching us His word, and strengthening us with His grace. The Lord promises us that when we call, He will answer. Praise be to God that He does! Brothers and sisters, we need not fear the presence of God because of His Son Jesus. Jesus has brought us from sinner to saint so that the Father make look upon us and bless us according to His grace. So, when we call upon the Lord, we are not visited by a wrathful judge but a wise and loving father. One who continues to uphold us to this day. So next time you hear the invocation know the Lord is with you and has come to bring blessings untold.
I Confess to You, O Lord
After the Invocation, after we call upon the Lord to be in the midst of us, we immediately move to Confession and Absolution. Which, of course, makes sense. If we call the Lord to be with us, we must then ask for His forgiveness so that we stand in His holy presence with joy and not trembling. However, most people don’t enjoy doing this. I don’t say this as an insult but more of a fact. The act of confessing something that you did wrong is widely regarded as difficult. I don’t have to tell you that. You know this to be true. Look at how we act toward one another in regard to saying sorry. Generally, we have to work up the courage to say that we are sorry and more often than not we just say, “I am sorry.” The response being, “It’s ok,” or “It’s fine.” But is that really the proper way to do these things? Think about how much more impactful, meaningful, and genuine an apology (confession) sounds when you actually name the thing that you do wrong. Instead of the “I’m sorry” that just assumes we all know what is going on the Lord teaches us to be specific. “I’m sorry that I sinned against you in this way by doing or saying this thing.”
The response to such a confession is also important. In the pre-marital counseling sessions I’ve been blessed to do, I have often reminded couples that the right response to a confession is to say, “I forgive you.” The Lord doesn’t teach us that we are tell people that their sins against us or sins against others is “ok” or “fine” or that we “shouldn’t worry about it.” Instead, we say “I forgive you” as if to say “I know that you have wronged me and I will not hold this against you. Christ has covered this sin as well as my sins. I love you.” If this is the way the Lord has taught us to confess to one another, how much more so should we also confess to God in such a way. That is why there is more than a moment of silence before we recite our corporate confession together on Sunday mornings. It is not silence for silence’s sake. Instead, we take that time to actually confess before God the sins that burden us. More importantly we hear His comforting words of the Absolution. The Lord comes to us willingly and joyfully full of grace and mercy for His people. So next time we confess together, remember how much God loves you. His responses are not flippant but full of wonder and love. God says, “I forgive you and I love you.”
Work & Weariness
School is in full swing and with it comes the dreaded busyness of the year. Children are now back in the swing of mimicking the adult life, eight hours of work, then come home and work more, then find time to fit in extra curriculars, and also maintain some level of family and social life. For the parents, you do the same thing with even less time. For grandparents, you try and take care of your kids and grandkids, assuring them that they are not going insane and they can accomplish the tasks set before them. If I could sum this part of year up in a word it would be: chaos. Now, I know what you are thinking. Pastor is going to tell me go to church, and how important it is, and why I should be doing it. Yes. I am. But give me a few moments of your precious time to explain why and maybe convince you to move church things out of the “to do” column into the “get to” column.
Chaos is a breeding ground for sin. When you are overworked, stressed, and busy, sin has ample opportunities to take hold and make life worse so that you become even more overworked, stressed, and busy. Our temperaments are terrible, our minds are rushed, our emotions are out of our control and this leads to us sinning against our God and hurting others. Sometimes in the chaos, others sin against us. Just as we are prone to much sin when we are drowning, others are prone to it as well. As sins begin to pile up, the weight we feel starts to crush us and lock us into a cycle of sins upon sins. You may suffer in silence, but I know you suffer. You know you suffer. You know others suffer. The question becomes what do we do about it? Who will save us from these unspoken, often ignored wounds? Where do we go?
Church. We go to church.
Our Lord Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” We go to where Christ says to go. We go to Him. There in His holy house, He offers us His Word and His Sacraments for our rest and benefit. He says to us, “Come, hear that you are forgiven, hear that your neighbor is forgiven, taste and see that this forgiveness is for you in My body and My blood. Come, be strengthened by your brothers and sisters in the congregation. Come, learn from Me and take My yoke upon you, see I am gentle and lowly in heart. My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” In the Divine Service we witness holy things. Those holy things are given to you for your benefit so that the chaos of the world does not drown you. Again, listen to the words of our Lord from Mark 2:27, “And he said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.’” We go to church not because of some pharisaical law to do so, but because the Lord has promised His rest and His gifts there. So if you find yourself overwhelmed, if your children are overwhelmed, come and see Jesus. His yoke is easy, His burden light, His gifts free.
Righteousness and Repentance
It is clear from the two parables that Jesus uses in Luke – the lost sheep and the lost coin – that he values repentance over righteousness. That may seem strange to us, since the New Testament exhorts us again and again to live godly and righteous lives. Yes, as followers of Christ we are to strive to live daily in a manner as free from sin and darkness as possible. In this process of sanctification, we need daily help from the Holy Spirit, who helps us recognize our sin, convicts us of it, and gives us the power to turn aside from its alluring temptation.
But Jesus values repentance even more highly, since it is through repentance that we can meet Him and he can return us to a close relationship with Him. We are the lost sheep; we are the lost coin. We wander away from time to time. We get lost in dark corners. We cannot find our way back. So, in His great love, He comes to find us. In His mercy, He forgoes punishment and leads us back to the light, to the security of the sheepfold, and to the place of usefulness.
It is when we acknowledge that we have gone astray that Jesus comes to our rescue. It is then that we rediscover His mercy and love. We are like foolish sheep when we deny that we need His saving. We will remain lost when we fail to be honest about the state of our soul or about our dangerous circumstances. Sometimes He allows us to wander off until we are in danger. He waits for us to call out desperately to Him before He reaches out to save us. He is always there. His love is constant, as He waits for us to express our need.
Prayer: Lord, help me to confess my sin and lead me in repentance back to you. Amen
Choosing What is Better
“But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.”
– Luke 10:40a NIV
Luke tells us that Martha had opened her home to Jesus and his disciples. Custom required that she welcome them properly, and this was no small undertaking. Martha was busy seeing that all the details of meals and lodging were suitably observed. When she had invited Jesus, she most likely was counting on her sister, Mary, to help make his visit a success. However, Mary made a different choice. From the moment that Jesus arrived, she had focused her attention on him. Seated there at his feet, she listened intently to all that he had to say.
Martha was piqued. When she discovered Mary sitting “idly” at Jesus’ feet, she was no longer able to contain her anger. She admonished Jesus, saying, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” Her outburst betrayed her. She wasn’t the gracious hostess she sought to be. She not only accused her sister of laziness, but at the same time she accused her guest of being uncaring. She demanded that he remedy the household situation!
Martha’s distraction, I believe, came partly from her personal list of musts and shoulds. We all have such a list. They include the way that we feel particular tasks must or should be done. They are the best ways of doing things, our way, a way that grants our personal stamp of approval and helps us feel good about ourselves. We invest much personal energy in our way of doing things, the personal energy that Jesus encountered in Martha’s outburst. While the standards of Jewish hospitality could have been met adequately by her household servants and friends, Martha’s personal list became her distraction. She needed to oversee things personally to make sure they were done properly. Martha had lost her focus on spiritual things. Jesus was at Bethany. By fulfilling her own agenda, she was about to miss being with him.
Jesus didn’t go to Bethany to approve Martha’s hospitality. He doesn’t come to judge our way of doing things, either. On the contrary, he comes to free us from the personal anxieties and habits that rule our lives, separate us from others, and distract us from our relationship with him. Do you know what is on your list? Ask him to show you. Once he shows you, ask for his help to choose what is better.
Prayer: Lord, give me eyes to see the things on my agenda that separate me from others and from you. Give me grace to give them to you, and to find your peace. Amen.
In His Peace,
Pastor Schultz
On Forgiveness and Love
“Therefore I tell you, her sins which are many, are forgiven, because she has loved much; but
he who is forgiven little, loves little.” – Luke 7:47
Does it surprise you that Jesus relates our ability to love to the amount we have been forgiven? Many think that a person can learn to love: that some- how we can set our wills to love and it would just happen, like learning algebra or physics. But Jesus makes it very clear that our receiving forgiveness has a great deal to do with our loving others.
This story gives new insight into how we can grow in our love for others. It is not simply a matter of making some persistent effort on our part. It is not simply by sweet words or good deeds. It is by confessing our sins and acknowledging our need for forgiveness that we are opened to the ability to love others. It seems that so many of us are afraid to admit who we are. We posture and pretend to be somebody other than who we are – a sinner in need of God’s forgiveness and healing. It is when we acknowledge our need that we draw close to Jesus and, in experiencing His incredible love for us, our own capacity to love Him and others is increased.
Prayer: Lord help me to admit my need of You and to freely receive Your forgivneness that I might express my love to You unashamedly and then be a better channel of Your love to those around me. Amen
In His Peace,
Pastor Schultz
Don’t Hold Your Breath
“And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.”
– Acts 2:2
Scientists tell us that most of us take a breath at least twenty thousand times per day. It is an understatement to say that this is a great deal of activity. Yet, when was the last time you noticed yourself breathing? (I know, probably as soon as you read this question!) Breathing itself is a primal act that we usually take for granted. The experience, or even the thought, of not being able to breathe can fill us with fear and panic, for we know it means certain death –
“When thou takest away their breath they die and return to dust” (Ps 104:29). The account of our beginnings in the book of Genesis depicts God, as if bent over his newly formed clay creation, as he “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7). At that moment, “man became a living being.” The breath of God is the spring of our life, yet its very quietness and subtlety can delude us into thinking that we are independent and self-sufficient, unless something comes along to remind us again of our life’s source.
The church, as the climax to the entire Easter season, celebrates the day of Pentecost, the fiftieth day, the perfect fulfillment of God’s promise (7×7+1). And Easter is the story of our salvation through Jesus Christ, the hope of our own resurrection, the pledge of our inheritance of new and eternal life, even as the Son of God “breathed his last” (Luke 23:46). It is perhaps no surprise, then, that one of the signs of the Holy Spirit’s presence among Jesus’ disciples on that day of Pentecost was the sudden blowing of a “mighty wind.” Contained within a single room, such a squall must have caused a frenzy of sight and sound!
Here is the genesis of the newly born Body of Christ, a new beginning for the people of God. By this storm, the Spirit comes to resuscitate a dying world. Into the lungs of the infant church, God is breathing the breath of life. The image of that event is a vivid and vibrant reminder, throughout the generations, that only God can give life, and that when he does, wonderful things begin to happen. For the Spirit still comes breathing, moving, and blowing where he will (John 3:8). Is there any better day than the Day of Pentecost to ask that he breathe afresh in us?
Pastor Schultz