What to Expect
You will find a diversified membership committed to reaching out to and serving all parts of the community. Our diversification provides a welcoming environment because Jesus removes all barriers making us one family. We will welcome you to our family!
Our Divine Worship service is Christ-centered, biblically-based, liturgical, and supported by our beautiful music. As you enter for worship, we encourage time for silent reflection to prepare yourself for the presence of God. Our worship environment manifests reverence for our Risen Lord, the center of our worship. The hymnals in the pews have a bountiful resource to direct your quiet time and enrich your worship.
We come to worship to receive God’s gracious gifts through listening to God’s Word and receiving his Sacraments. The Sacrament of the Altar (Holy Communion) is celebrated at all Sunday worship services. Our policy and practice is in accordance with the teachings of the word of God. Jesus invites to his table those who are and need of what he is offering and believe that they will receive him. Worship is the time to drown out all the distractions and our multi-tasking lifestyle and to focus with rapt attention on the center of our worship, Jesus our Lord of Life.
The Lutheran Identity
We are a congregation of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (Synod means walking together). The congregations of our Synod voluntarily, autonomously and individually choose to come together with other congregations who share the same apostolic beliefs and practices. We walk together to fulfill the Lord’s commission to tell the world of His love and salvation.