Keep on Believing

“Do not be seized with alarm and have no fear, only keep on believing.” – Mark 5:36b

Jairus took a considerable risk when he prostrated himself before Jesus and begged for his daughter to be healed. After all, he was a leader of the synagogue, a respected man schooled in the law, a righteous man who knew what God expected of his people and what they could expect of God. In Jerusalem the Pharisees and the scribes had condemned Jesus for healing on the Sabbath, claiming Jesus was possessed by Satan. For Jairus to acknowledge Jesus’ power to heal was to separate himself from all those other religious leaders who denied who Jesus was. And yet, Jairus found himself in such need on that day, that he forgot all the “right” reasons that would have kept him from bowing before Jesus’ feet. Instead, he chose to hope for healing for his beloved daughter, who was at the point of death.

Nevertheless, Jairus would have bigger battles to face before the end of the day. Before Jesus could reach his home to lay hands on Jairus’ daughter, the news had come to them: “Your daughter has died.” Knowing how much Jairus was suffering at this point, Jesus encouraged him, “Do not be seized with alarm and have no fear, only keep on believing.”

Jesus knew that the healing that Jairus had sought for his daughter had suddenly become impossible for an earthly mind. It was one thing for Jairus to believe that Jesus could heal his daughter; it was entirely another for Jairus to believe that Jesus could bring his daughter back from death. Yet Jesus told him simply and directly to “keep on believing.”

God, the one who gives us the gift of faith and all that is necessary for us to believe, is prompting Jarius to use what God has given him. We know that nothing is too hard for the Lord. We can all say those words and our minds can assent to their plausibility. Still, believing requires more than our minds. Believing requires our hearts and our wills. Believing requires that our passions line up with the words we have said and the testimonies we have made. Believing requires submitting all that we are to the one who can transform us into a believing people of faith.

What obstacles are you facing in your walk with Jesus that require him to say to you, “only keep on believing?” Are you discouraged about your life? Do you fear for others? When Jairus cast himself at Jesus’ feet, Jesus took him up and carried him through to the end of his fears. Jairus would never again be the same. Jesus will do the same for you and for me. We must learn to depend on Jesus for the work of faith he wants to perform every day in our lives so we can keep on believing.

Prayer: Jesus, you are bigger than my unbelief. Build within me a heart of faith I believe help my unbelief. Amen.

Pastor Schultz


The Gift of Simplicity

“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (Mark 10:15)

This time of year, as a new school year begins, many are focused on the task of teaching children. Jesus however reminds us how important it is to learn from children.

Jesus used the occasion of people bringing little children to him as an opportunity to give his followers a needed lesson. The lesson concerned the importance of right attitude in receiving the kingdom of God. Jesus told them that “whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” For any parent or teacher of young children it is clear that the Lord was thinking of their marvelous capacity for wonder and their receptivity for listening and learning. The psalmist expressed these same thoughts in writing about God’s glory above the heavens being chanted “by the mouths of babes and infants” (Ps 8:2)

How wonderful is this gift of simplicity and spontaneity that we see in some children! How blessed are those adults who have been able to maintain this childlike quality of life! I have come to discover that my hobby as a bird watcher has aided my life long faith learning in the same way. Bird watching requires you to be totally involved. Listening and looking in silence as you gather as much information as you can about the subject you are focused on for as long as you are allowed. Size, beak, wing bars, tail, coloration, feet, location of markings, habitat, song, call, eyes, and flight pattern. What is familiar and what have you never noticed before. I use the same approach with the word of God.

Many of us allow our busy lives and the cares of the world to so crowd our lives that we lose this childlike simplicity. The story in Scripture makes it clear that in this respect the disciples had lost their simplicity. Preoccupied with their own agendas, preconceptions, egos, and intellect, they considered the children to be an interruption to an important theological discussion they where having with Jesus. That is why our Lord was indignant with their insensitivity to the needs of the children and the attitude with which they approached him. “Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it”

Our Father, we pray that the simplicity of Jesus would be the hallmark of our lives. May our knowledge and intel- lect never be barriers to our continuing growth in our faith and life with him. Amen

In His Peace, Pastor Schultz


Keep on Believing

“Do not be seized with alarm and have no fear, only keep on believing.” – Mark 5:36b

Jairus took a considerable risk when he prostrated himself before Jesus and
begged for his daughter to be healed. After all, he was a leader of the
synagogue, a respected man schooled in the law, a righteous man who knew
what God expected of his people and what they could expect of God. In Jeru-
salem the Pharisees and the scribes had condemned Jesus for healing on the
Sabbath, claiming Jesus was possessed by Satan. For Jairus to acknowledge
Jesus’ power to heal was to separate himself from all those other religious leaders who denied who Jesus was. And yet, Jairus found himself in such need on that day, that he forgot all the “right” reasons that would have kept him from bowing before Jesus’ feet. Instead, he chose to hope for healing for his beloved daughter, who was at the point of death.
Nevertheless, Jairus would have bigger battles to face before the end of the day. Before Jesus could reach his home to lay hands on Jairus’ daughter, the news had come to them: “Your daughter has died.” Knowing how much Jairus was suffering at this point, Jesus en- couraged him, “Do not be seized with alarm and have no fear, only keep on believing.”
Jesus knew that the healing that Jairus had sought for his daughter had suddenly become impossible for an earthly mind. It was one thing for Jairus to believe that Jesus could heal his daughter; it was entirely another for Jairus to believe that Jesus could bring his daughter back from death. Yet Jesus told him simply and directly to “keep on believing.”
God, the one who gives us the gift of faith and all that is necessary for us to believe, is prompting Jarius to
use what God has given him. We know that nothing is too hard for the Lord. We can all say those words and our minds can assent to their plausibility. Still, believing requires more than our minds. Believing requires our hearts and our wills. Believing requires that our passions line up with the words we have said and the testimonies we have made. Believing requires submitting all that we are to the one who can transform us into a believing people of faith.
What obstacles are you facing in your walk with Jesus that require him to say to you, “only keep on believing?” Are you discouraged about your life? Do you fear for others? When Jairus cast himself at Jesus’ feet, Jesus took him up and carried him through to the end of his fears. Jairus would never again be the same. Jesus will do the same for you and for me. We must learn to depend on Jesus for the work of faith he wants to perform every day in our lives so we can keep on believing.

Prayer: Jesus, you are bigger than my unbelief. Build within me a heart of faith I believe help my unbelief. Amen.
Pastor Schultz


Pastor’s Pen: Heavenly Interruptions

“At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and his family were baptized.” – Acts 16:33
What an amazing story we find in the Philippian jail. The miracle of the earth- quake and the open doors is only a small part of the work that God was doing. The larger miracle involved the changed lives of those who believed that night. The same source of water that the jailer offered for the washing of the evangelists’ wounds proved worthy for his baptism once he had believed. And the Scripture records that “he was filled with joy because he had come to be- lieve in God – he and his whole family” (Acts 16:34b).
This story reminds me of the “one the way” stories: the ten lepers who were healed on the way to show themselves to the priests; the disciples who met the risen Jesus on the way to Emmaus. In this story, the Philippian jailer who experienced a miracle at the jail immediately began to care for Paul and Silas, and, on the way, he and his whole house discovered the love and mercy of God.
Most of our lives are spent on the way to somewhere else. We often think our starting points and destina- tions are the important places, but we find that the journey is the place where we encounter God. It often isn’t when we’ve arrived safely and have unpacked and are getting comfortable that God intervenes in our lives. Instead, it’s when a Samaritan encounters a wounded traveler beside the road, or when a man named Simon visits Jerusalem and finds himself forced to carry a cross to Golgotha, or when a man named Saul is on the road to Damascus, that God chooses to enter lives and change them forever.
It shouldn’t surprise us that God uses times like these to enter our lives. They are probably the times when we’re not in control, times when God can show us that he can be trusted to order our lives in ways we never
expected. They are probably times when we don’t want to be interrupted, but times when God wants us to see that our lives will never suffer from the imprint of His will.
I’ve never cared much for interruptions. I like getting things done on my own schedule. Too often, I throw up a quick prayer requesting God’s blessing on an itinerary I never submitted for His approval. As a re- sult, my plans often require interruptions when God lovingly intervenes, reenters my life, and reminds me of His love.
I recommend these heavenly interruptions to you. Upon immediate consideration, they become but one more task in a long line of things to do. But as we begin to see them for what they are, they become recognizable opportunities for growth and conversion. In retrospect, they are the moments when we feel clos- est to God and to others. Learn to recognize them for what they are – miracles of God’s grace when He shares a little more of Himself with us on the way.
Prayer: Help me, Father, to give myself to you contin- ually, especially when my busyness would keep me separated from you and from others. Amen.
Pastor Schultz


Don’t Be Afraid, Children

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” 2 Cor. 5:17

It can be frightening to stand at the beginning of a new year and ponder what the future holds, especially if we think we enter it alone. We who have been made children of God in the waters of baptism can take comfort that we are “in Christ”.

The expression “in Christ” appears some 200 times in the New Testament. To be “in Christ” describes many aspects of the Christian life. For a believer to know that he is “in Christ” brings confidence, joy, and eternal hope.

The Bible says “Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore, we have been buried with Him through baptism into death in order that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. FOR IF WE HAVE BECOME UNITED WITH HIM IN THE LIKENESS OF HIS DEATH, CERTAINLY WE SHALL BE ALSO IN THE LIKENESS OF HIS RESURRECTION” (Romans 6:35).

In Galatians 3:27 we read: “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Baptism is more than a ritual or a ceremony. Baptism is not a mere tradition of men. Baptism is a clear teaching of God in His Word. In baptism God is at work, bringing us into the family of God. Through baptism God miraculously unites us with Christ. Baptism is part of God’s ongoing creating, and recreating, power that He used to create the whole world. In baptism we become “in Christ,” and “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV).

The joy and power of baptism is crucial to the correct understanding of the New Testament and the strengthening of the Christian life. Through baptism we are miraculously connected to Christ and all His power for life. Through baptism Christ unites us to Himself, to His cross and resurrection, the only foundation and strength for all Christians. Through baptism God promises us power to overcome Satan, strength for a daily life of joy, and the blessed certainty of the final resurrection “in Christ,” unto life eternal.

Have no fear baptized child of God! Your past, present, and future are in the hands of our loving and gracious Father.

Prayer: Powerful and loving God, thank you for enabling us to celebrate, as your baptized Children in Christ, a life without fear. Amen

In His Peace,

Pastor Schultz


God’s Gift

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with a child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14) Prophesying over 700 years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah spoke to King Ahaz of Judah about the deliverance that God would provide that besieged kingdom. This prophecy has provided the world with one of the clearest declarations of the Christmas miracle. God would come in the flesh to dwell among us. He would enter our world through the womb of a virgin. What a wonderful sign God gives to us to behold and believe.
It may be difficult to identify with King Ahaz of Judah. As reflected in 2 Kings 16:24, he was a young, arrogant king of “detestable” ways. In spite of this, the prophet Isaiah went to Ahaz to offer him spiritual strength in a time of national crisis. Because of his godless ways, Ahaz did not merit a sign or a faithful prophet. Yet despite these evil ways and his phony spirituality, a covenant keeping God gave Ahaz a clear sign of what he would do, not only for Ahaz but for our sin-darkened world through the Immanuel prophecy.
What can we learn from God’s actions? We learn about the character of God. He is a God of tremendous mercy and tenderness. In the midst of the dilemmas that were entirely of Ahaz’s doing, God came to deliver the king and his kingdom. We should never underestimate the depth of God’s love for any of us. None of us is worthy, and still God comes. He comes into our lives with signs that are clear and understandable to us. He is not a God who would stay hidden and unnamed from a people he loves. As we worship him, he extends to us a cup, the bread, and a cross. At Christmas we are presented with a star, a manger, a virgin, shepherds, and kings. As Jesus takes on our flesh God presents us with tangible proof that he is indeed among us, to be known by us, in a personal relationship.
At Christmas, through signs and the messages, God continues to seek after us. Will we be onlookers who stroll past these familiar words and signs with casual interest? Or will we stop, open our eyes, ears and mouths, and dare to believe that a loving heavenly Father is here to cut through our fears, and to draw us to himself? Ahaz. You. Me. God still desires that we believe and be saved. Christmas is a gift for such as us.
Dear God, you know of no hopeless ones in this world. Help us to stop and realize that you are truly there for us. Enable us to believe. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
In His Peace, Pastor Schultz
